Monday, November 2, 2015

What to Do When the Farmer's Market Closes

Now that October is officially over, it means the end of the Farmer's Market season. While it does continue for a few more weeks, a lot of the produce stands and sweet treats go into hibernation.

This fall I began a habit of going on a morning Saturday run to the Farmer's Market to get an apple cider doughnut. Luckily, my destination is right on the lake, so I would watch morning rowing and sailing practice, too. Taking the time to enjoy the crisp air and fall-ish feel was really relaxing and ultimately a great way to start the weekend.

It became a big part of my routine, so it's going to be weird adjusting to not having my Saturday morning apple cider doughnut. Good thing I already found a substitute!

What are you going to miss about October?

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